कोच्चि: दक्षिण पश्चिम मानसून के आगमन के लिए पिछले सप्ताह इलायची के बढ़ते क्षेत्र में इसकी संशोधित पैदावार को बढ़ाने के लिए अगले सत्र की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे है। कुमिली के उत्पादकों ने कहा की मुख्य इलायची देश में बढ़ते क्षेत्र, केरल के इदुक्की जिले में अच्छी बारिश के कारण पौधों के लिए आदर्श की प्राप्ति हुई। उन्होंने कहा की, उर्वरकों और कीटनाशकों लगाने का कार्य शुरू कर दिया है क्योकि इन्हे उत्पादकों, के बीच हित में लाया जाएगा। बारिश के कारण बाजार के भावो में परिवर्तन आया। ऐसा लगता है कि वहाँ लगातार इस वर्ष नीलामियाँ होती रहेंगी। केसीपीएमसी के अनुसार, कुमिली में 12 जुलाई से इसकी नीलामी फिर से शुरू करनी होंगी नीलामी सूत्रों का कहना है।
English Translation:
Kochi: The arrival of the South-West Monsoon last week in the cardamom-growing areas raised expectation for the improved crop next season. The main cardamom growing region in the country, Kerala's Idukki district, received good showers ideal for the plants, growers in Kumily said.It has brought in interest among the growers, who have started applying fertilizers and pesticides, they said. The rains have also changed the market sentiments. It seems that there would be uninterrupted auctions this year. According to auction sources, KCPMC, Kumily would recommence its auctions from July 12.
English Translation:
Kochi: The arrival of the South-West Monsoon last week in the cardamom-growing areas raised expectation for the improved crop next season. The main cardamom growing region in the country, Kerala's Idukki district, received good showers ideal for the plants, growers in Kumily said.It has brought in interest among the growers, who have started applying fertilizers and pesticides, they said. The rains have also changed the market sentiments. It seems that there would be uninterrupted auctions this year. According to auction sources, KCPMC, Kumily would recommence its auctions from July 12.
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