स्टरलाइट टेक्नोलॉजीज ने अपने कर्मचारियों को कर्मचारी स्टॉक विकल्प योजना के अधीन 65,791 इक्विटी शेयर जारी किए। कुल चुकता इक्विटी शेयर पूंजी के लिए कंपनी के अनुसार 6,45,41,172 से 6,46,06,963 की वृद्धि हुई है। कंपनी ने भी प्रकाशित और आवंटित 64,50,000 परिवर्तनीय वार्रंट्स में इक्विटी शेयर की प्रोमोटर की संस्था में अपनी बैठक में 29 अप्रैल 2009 को शेयरधारकों द्बारा कंपनी ने ट्विनस्टार की विदेशी वाइड के प्राप्त स्वीकृति को प्रकाशित किया। कंपनी ने 18 अगस्त 2009 को व्यापार घंटे के बाद इसकी घोषणा की।
English Translation:
Sterlite Technologies has issued 65,791 equity shares to its employees under employee stock option scheme. The total paid up equity share capital of the company has increase from 6,45,41,172 to 6,46,06,963. The company has also issued and allotted 64,50,000 warrants convertible in equity shares to its promoter entity Twinstar Overseas vide the approval received by shareholders of the company in their meeting held on 29 April 2009. The company made this announcement after the trading hours on 18 August 2009.
English Translation:
Sterlite Technologies has issued 65,791 equity shares to its employees under employee stock option scheme. The total paid up equity share capital of the company has increase from 6,45,41,172 to 6,46,06,963. The company has also issued and allotted 64,50,000 warrants convertible in equity shares to its promoter entity Twinstar Overseas vide the approval received by shareholders of the company in their meeting held on 29 April 2009. The company made this announcement after the trading hours on 18 August 2009.
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