भौतिक रबर की कीमतों उनके बुधवार को गिरावट का रूख बढ़ने के रूप में खरीददारों के किनारे पर बने रहे, आगे गिरावट की उम्मीद से खरीद आरंभ किया। हालांकि, भविष्य में घरेलू कीमतों में दोनों के रूप में अंतरराष्ट्रीय सामने के रूप में अच्छी तरह से सुधार हुआ। आरएसएस 4 किस्म के लिए स्पॉट कीमत पिछले बंद 200/kg रुपए की तुलना में 198/kg रुपये पर बंद हुई जबकि आरएसएस -5 किस्म अपने पिछले बंद 195/kg की तुलना में 193/kg रुपए में बंद हुई। नेशनल मल्टी कमोडिटी विनिमय पर वायदा बाजार में जुलाई डिलीवरी के लिए आरएसएस -4 के अनुबंध पिछले बंद 198.60 रुपए की तुलना में 199.95 रुपये पर बंद हुआ, जबकि अगस्त डिलीवरी के लिए अनुबंध पिछले बंद 197.30 रुपये की तुलना में 198.40 रुपये पर बंद हुआ।
English Translation:
Physical rubber prices escalated their declining trend on Wednesday as the buyers remained on sidelines, expecting further fall to initiate buying. Though, the future prices improved both at domestic as well as international front.Spot prices for RSS-4 variety closed at Rs 198/kg compared to its previous closing of Rs 200/kg, while the RSS-5 variety closed at Rs 193/kg compared to its previous closing of Rs 195/kg.In futures market, the contract of RSS-4 for September delivery closed at Rs 199.95 compared to its previous closing of Rs 198.60, while the contract for October delivery closed at Rs 198.40 compared to its previous closing of Rs 197.30 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.
English Translation:
Physical rubber prices escalated their declining trend on Wednesday as the buyers remained on sidelines, expecting further fall to initiate buying. Though, the future prices improved both at domestic as well as international front.Spot prices for RSS-4 variety closed at Rs 198/kg compared to its previous closing of Rs 200/kg, while the RSS-5 variety closed at Rs 193/kg compared to its previous closing of Rs 195/kg.In futures market, the contract of RSS-4 for September delivery closed at Rs 199.95 compared to its previous closing of Rs 198.60, while the contract for October delivery closed at Rs 198.40 compared to its previous closing of Rs 197.30 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.
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