एलआईसी हाउसिंग फाइनेंस ने नए क़र्ज़ 30 लाख से 75 लाख रुपये के लिए ब्याज दरो में 0.5% कटौती किया है । नई दरे 9.25% से 8.75% हो जाएगा। यह 1 अगस्त से प्रभावी होगा । यह निर्णय मौजूदा बाजार स्थितियों के कारण लिया गया है। इसके अतिरिक्त, एचडीएफसी ने भी क़र्ज 30 लाख से 50 लाख रुपय के लिए ब्याज दरो में 0.50% ं कटौती किया है। नई दर 9.5% से 9% हो गया है, लेकिन 15 लाख तक के क़र्ज़ के लिए ब्याज दर 8.75% पर अपरिवर्तित बनी हुई है और 15 लाख और 30 लाख के क़र्ज के लिए ब्याज दर 9% है।
English Translation:
With effect from August 1, LIC Housing Finance cut interest rates for new loans by 0.5% where for customers opting for floating rate loans between Rs 30 lakh and Rs 75 lakh, the new rates will be 8.755 against 9.25%. It is said that the decision was taken due to the prevailing market conditions. Additionally, HDFC has also cut interest rates on loans between Rs 30 lakh and Rs 50 lakh by 0.50% where the new rate stands at 9% from the previous 9.5% but for loans up to Rs 15 lakh, the rate remains unchanged at 8.75% and for loans between Rs 15 lakh and 30-lakh, the rate remains at 9%.
English Translation:
With effect from August 1, LIC Housing Finance cut interest rates for new loans by 0.5% where for customers opting for floating rate loans between Rs 30 lakh and Rs 75 lakh, the new rates will be 8.755 against 9.25%. It is said that the decision was taken due to the prevailing market conditions. Additionally, HDFC has also cut interest rates on loans between Rs 30 lakh and Rs 50 lakh by 0.50% where the new rate stands at 9% from the previous 9.5% but for loans up to Rs 15 lakh, the rate remains unchanged at 8.75% and for loans between Rs 15 lakh and 30-lakh, the rate remains at 9%.
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