भारतीय रुपया मंगलवार को डॉलर में 60 पैसे के मुकाबले प्रोत्कर्ष रहा। रुपया 49.60 पर खुला और एक इंटर दिवसीय में मुल्ये 49,29 रूपये के उच्च छूने के लिए तथा 49.30 पर बंद हुआ और मुल्ये पिछले स्तर की तुलना में 49.90 रूपये की प्राप्ति हुई। एक व्यापारी ने कहा की निर्यातकों के बाद उनके स्थान को कवर करने के लिए डॉलर बेचे और रुपया आगे मिल जाएगा। हालांकि, विदेशी बाजार में, डॉलर अन्य प्रमुख मुद्राओं की तुलना मूल्य की प्राप्ति हुई। आगे प्रीमियम बाजार में, छह माह के प्रीमियम में कम से कम कम 2.82 फीसदी पर (2.92 प्रतिशत) और एक वर्ष में 2.30 प्रतिशत और (2.34 प्रतिशत) पर बंद हुआ।
English Translation:
The Indian rupee surged 60 paise against the dollar on Tuesday. The rupee opened at 49.60 and gained to touch an intra-day high of 49.29 and closed at 49.30 as against the previous close of 49.90. The rupee gained further after exporters sold dollars to cover their positions, said a dealer. However, in the overseas market, the dollar depreciated against other major currencies. In the forward premia market, the six-month premium closed lower at 2.82 per cent (2.92 per cent) and the one-year closed at 2.30 per cent (2.34 per cent).
English Translation:
The Indian rupee surged 60 paise against the dollar on Tuesday. The rupee opened at 49.60 and gained to touch an intra-day high of 49.29 and closed at 49.30 as against the previous close of 49.90. The rupee gained further after exporters sold dollars to cover their positions, said a dealer. However, in the overseas market, the dollar depreciated against other major currencies. In the forward premia market, the six-month premium closed lower at 2.82 per cent (2.92 per cent) and the one-year closed at 2.30 per cent (2.34 per cent).
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